REVIEW - American Horror Story S02E03

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At the asylum, a storm is coming. Sister Jude believes that the inclement weather can bring adverse changes to her sanitarium and so decides to air a movie to keep the inmates occupied while they ride out the storm.

Episode 3 is a chance to take a small breather. This episode is a slower pace but more of the individual characters storylines unfold. It’s less gruesome but there are still ‘jump out of your skin moments’ and the change of pace doesn’t make it any less entertaining.

‘Nor’easter’ opens with some dark clouds heading right towards Briarcliff. There are flash backs and flash-forwards to the still (barely) alive Adam Levine character but not much is given away.

Back at the asylum, a storm is coming. Sister Jude believes that the inclement weather can bring adverse changes to her sanitarium and so decides to air a movie to keep the inmates occupied while they ride out the storm. In true American Horror style the movie she chooses is the 1932 movie The Sign of The Cross which has religious and sexual undertones.

While the movie blares and flickers on an old projector, in the background and in the darkness the night unfolds. Three inmates, a lesbian journalist, suspected serial killer bloody face and a nymphomaniac take the storm, distraction and darkness of the evening as a chance to run and make their escape. What they find in the woods however is far more terrifying which is apparent when they prefer to run for their lives straight back into the relative safety of the asylum than risk coming up against ‘the creatures’ in woods.

Zachary Quinto is so flat and deadpan as Dr Thredson that I am beginning to suspect he is not all he seems in this series at all. No-one can be that calm under such strange, dark, demonic situations. Meanwhile, upstairs in staff quarters Dr Arden starts to unravel into a complete psychopath.

While all this is happening Sister Eunice who has been possessed by El Diablo stares eagerly at the movie not noticing the missing inmates and relishing in the parts where “the Christians get eaten”. She also tempts sister Jude with red wine and after more revelations about her past Sister Jude succumbs to the devils drink for comfort.

As the storm gets stronger and the skies get blacker the pace builds suddenly and quickly with a disturbing ending, which is very Boxing Helena-esque.

Although some of the scenarios are a little far fetched, even for American Horror Story, Nor’easter lets you breathe just a little but you are left with many more questions and dying to see episode four!

Review by JoAnn Duff


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